Sunday, August 28, 2011

OSHA and Infection Control

Many seasoned hygienists have told me that their standards with infection control are the first thing to diminish over time. WHAT?!?! This is startling and scary!
So what can we do to ensure that everyone in the office is upholding those Universal Precautions and following the Infection Control standards set by OSHA?
1. First and foremost TRAIN each staff member with the same standards. Be consistent!
2. POST these standards so they are readily available for reference.
3. Hold regular MEETINGS with all staff and ensure the standards are being met.
4. Attend regular OSHA update SEMINARS, held annually.
5. Utilize articles, CE courses, recent research and other RESOURCES to stay current on all new procedures and available products.
Following these 5 tips will help to decrease the trend of allowing Infection Control standards to decrease over time ultimately keeping you, your staff and your patients healthy!